Actions |
Call Number |
Title  |
Author |
CIR-GS-156.4-C5-1997 |
A Register of Deceased Persons at Sea and on Grosse Ile in 1847 |
Charbonneau, Andre, and Doris Drolet-Dube |
CIR-AD-200.2-G4-1988 |
A Retrospective Bibliography of American Demographic History from Colonial Times to 1983 |
Gerhan, David R., and Wells, Robert V. |
CIR-FH-431.9-L2-1998 |
A Sellers Family of Dorset |
Law, Lenore |
REF-MH-156.9-C5-1955 |
A Short History of Artillery and of 57th Battery - R.C.A. |
Clint H. C. (Staff Sgt) |
CIR-HG-461.9-R6 |
A Short History of Rossorry Parish |
Rogers, Mary |
UEL -CIR-HG-200.01-S79-1991 |
A Short History of the American Revolution |
Stokesbury, James L. |
CIR-HG-458.1-M3 |
A Short History of Times in Plockton (Ross & Cromarty Co) |
Matheson, Iain |
CIR-HG-151.01-E44-1989 |
A Short History of Verdun High School - 1912-1984 |
Elliott, C.E. |
CIR-FH-100.33-R6-2004 |
A Son of Quebec
Roy, Andrew |
CIR-BG-156.9-R6-2004 |
A Son of Quebec |
Roy, Andrew |
CIR-HG-151.99 -M67-1981 |
A Sporting Evolution: The Montreal Amateur Athletic Association 1881-1961 |
Morrow, Donald |
CIR-FH-121.99-1987 |
A Sweet Family History |
Jowsey, Joan (Curtis) |
UEL-CIR-HG-200.99-S1-1977 |
A Synopsis of American History: Through Reconstruction - Volume 1 |
Sellars, Charles, et al |
CIR-CD-East Kent |
A Tour Through the Isle of Thanet and Some Other Parts of East Kent. |
CIR-HG-140.9-C3-2001 |
A Very Fine Class of Immigrants: Prince Edward Island's Scottish Pioneers 1770-1850 |
Campey, Lucille H. |
CIR-HG-153.9-C6-1984 |
A Village in Transition: Compton, Quebec 1880-1920 |
Bellavance, Marcel |
CIR HG-435.9- .L9 1999 |
A walk through Lymington |
King, Edward |
CIR-HG-280.9-W3-1989 |
A Wild Coast and Lonely: Big Sur Pioneers |
Wall, Rosalind Sharpe |
CEM-REF-CL-152.4-H8 |
A Wilson Family Record |
CIR-BG-151.44-2012 |
A Worthy Daughter of the O'Neils: Sister Mary Fraaancis of Assissium |
CIR-FH-150.99-D6-1938 |
Aaron Hart - Recit historique |
Douville, Raymond |
CIR-HG-152.9-F5-1916 |
Abbotsford, Quebec, Canada |
Fisk, J.M. |
CIR-GS-455.3-C6-2002 |
Abbotshall Kirk Session Minutes 1793-1812 and Kirkcaldy Old Church Burials 1855 to 1972 |
Farrell, Stuart |
CEM-REF-CL-152.4-B5-2001 |
Abbott's Corner Cemetery #2, Frelighsburg, Quebec |
Birch, Brenda |
CEM-REF-CL-152.4-B5-2001 |
Abbott's Corner Cemetery, Frelighsburgh Quebec |
Birch, Brenda |
CIR-HG-150.99-M3-1932 |
Abenaki Indian Legends, Grammar and Place Names |
Masta, Henry Lorne |
CIR-HG-150.33-W2-1992 |
Abenaki Indians of Odanak St Francois-du-Lac, Quebec |
Wawanolet, Esther |
REF-GS-150.1-G3-2004 |
Aboriginal Peoples in Quebec |
Gagné, Jacques |
CIR-GS-0.1-M4-1997 |
About Genealogical Standards of Evidence: A Guide for Genealogists |
Merriman, Brenda Dougall |
CIR-FH-150.9-B6-2002 |
Abraham Hyatt: Our Loyalist Ancestor |
Boyd, Anne W., Sylvia Green-Guenette, and Elizabeth Larrabee |
UEL-CIR-FH-150.9-B6-2002 |
Abraham Hyatt: Our Loyalist Ancestor |
Boyd, Anne W., Sylvia Green-Guenette, and Elizabeth Larrabee |
REF-AD-151.4-Q8-1997 |
Abstracts and Index to "Connections" - Vol 1 through Vol 17 |
McKay, Margaret, and Douglas Cooke |
CIR-GS-166.3-W3-1982 |
Abstracts of Surrogate Court Wills, Kingston and Vicinity, 1790-1858 |
Wanamaker, Loral, and Mildred Wanamaker |
CIR-HG-260,99-B7-1992 |
Acadian to Cajun: Transformation of a People 1803-1877 |
Brasseaux, Carl A. |
CIR-HG-150.9-P3-1946 |
Across the Years: A Century of Education in the Province of Quebec |
Percival, Walter P. |
GN 151.8 .F 2017 |
Actes du Xe colloque de l'Academie international de genealogie |
Durand, Gilles; Fournier, Marcel |
UEL-CIR-GN-100.4-L6 |
Additional Loyalist Claims, Montreal, Quebec, Kingston etc, 1778-1778 |
CIR-GS-433.3-R3-2002 |
Administrative Records for Surrey and Sussex Genealogists: Government, Ecclesiastical, Estate |
Raymond, Stuart A. |
CIR-GN-438.5-R3-2000 |
Administrative Records for Yorkshire Genealogists |
Raymond, Stuart A. |
CIR-FH-150.9-L3 |
Adrien Legris dit Lepine |
Lepine, Luc |
CIR-GN-810.1-F3-2015 |
Advanced Genetic Genealogy: Techniques and Case Studies |
Wayne, Debbie Parker (Editor) |
CIR-HG-120.99-C3-2007 |
After The Hector: The Scottish Pioneers of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton 1773-1852 |
Campey, Lucille H. |
CIR-HG-464.99-O6-2000 |
Aftermath Post-Rebellion Insurgency in Wicklow 1799-1803 |
O'Donnell, Ruan |
CIR-HG-450.48-C6-1976 |
Agricultural Atlas of Scotland |
Coppock, J.T. |
CIR-HG-150.01-B7-1974 |
Akwesasne Notes: Calendar with historical notes |
Bradway, D.C. |
REF-Cl-153.4-S5 |
Albert Mines Cemetery, Ascot Township, Quebec |
CIR-AD-180.4-A5-1999 |
Alberta Sources: Cemeteries and Other Surname Sources |
REF-GS-190.4-A5-2001 |
Alberta: Index to Registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1870 to 1905, Volume 1 |
Edmonton Branch of the Alberta Genealogical Society |
CIR-FH-157.01-G3-1990-Vol 2 |
Album de Rosario Gauthier - Volume 2 |
Gauthier, Rosario |
CIR-HG-0010.88-F56-1972 |
Album du Protestantisme francais en Amerique du Nord |
Fines, Herve |